Monday 8 February 2016

The Great Grape Debate

So today I've been reading a lot about grapes...

This incident happened local to me so naturally it popped up on a few "mummy sites" - unsurprisingly it caused quite a debate. 

I'm all for the grape being sliced when served to children. It's a danger food, high risk choke factor and it should be highlighted as such. 
If it has to be served to children in a nursery/school it should be sliced, at a play centre I agree it should be sliced. Or not served at all if people want to be safe...

But then I've read the comments such as
"Tesco shouldn't sell unsliced grapes" 

"My daughter robbed a unsliced grape off my plate at a restaurant- it should of been sliced, she could of died" 

I got a little bit of stick for disagreeing with those last comments. I still think that it's a parents job to police the grapes served up in restaurants or other places where grapes are lurking...
If my two year old runs off in Tesco and eats a cheeky grape and chokes, it's not tescos responsibility, it's mine. I'm the parent! 
Honestly some parents are so freaked out about grapes they are calling for grapes world wide to be pre sliced EVERYWHERE. Some want it illegal to serve unsliced grapes....Say whaaaatt? 

What happened to parenting your own children and not relying on other people to do it? 

I don't think "Grape Gate" is over.... 

It's health and safety gone wild.

**please note these views do not cover nurseries,schools or places purely aimed at children** 

Thanks a bunch for reading 

Wednesday 3 February 2016

Getting Rid....

I love Wednesdays... I have a full 10 hours with no school age children. Thing 1 and Thing 2 go to a childminder!

 This happens on Fridays too. Normally I'd be at work but as I'm on Maternity leave I'm going to revel in these rare days of bliss. 

No one calls my name a million times.
I don't have to utter "fuck this shit" under my breath. 
I don't have to make juice under a terrorist demand. 
I don't have to clear up the spilt juice. 
I don't have to be negotiator over the Xbox. 
I don't have to bribe anyone to eat their tea. 
This list is endless...
Okay I have the baby with me, got to keep him alive but that's cool. 
If he could talk he'd probably tell me I have baby sick on my shoulder, that I needed to wipe the mascara from my panda eyes and brush my hair. But he can't talk so HA! I win. 

Happy Wednesday.


Tuesday 2 February 2016

The Trio.

We are also starting out on Facebook...

To blogging and beyond....

So, I'm a mummy of Three. Currently on maternity leave with the third and final (maybe) child.

Perhaps I'm a little bored and the January blues got all too much and I've decided to start a blog. It seems the hip thing to do these days and I like to think I can be "down with the cool mums" - we all want that right?
Perhaps its because i'm 30 years old in 20 days!!! TWENTY DAYS (wipes sweat from brow, puts tissue under armpits) Where did my twenty's go...serious question!!?

So i'll be posting about the trials of being a mother. Its amazing but sometimes shit, its totally not easy and you spend most of it drinking cold tea and bribing small humans with promises of chocolate/cake/sweets or whatever might work that day!!

My Trio are 6,5 and 12 weeks! Zachary, Scarlett & Dawson. I think I own them but in reality they own me and I love it!!

Nicola x